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12-18 months

caregiver to child ratio, 5:1
maximum class size 10

This is an exciting time in your child’s development, as they are transitioning from a mobile infant to a toddler. Our older infant/early toddler class centers on providing them with a nurturing environment where they are able to safely explore and discover a multitude of enriching experiences as they find a balance between dependence and independence. They are little scientists at this stage, exploring, testing, tasting, vocalizing and finding the limits of their motor skills, and pushing beyond. Kids develop from top down, and from inner body to outer limbs, hands and then fingers and in this group, we invite them to begin mastering a few stairs, small climbers, ramps and various surfaces. We offer them tools and toys of varying textures, weights and purposes to explore painting, scribbling, mixing, dumping and pouring. You will also see lots of caregiving mimicry here, such as patting, rocking, feeding and singing to baby dolls. 

We will be talking continuously to your child, providing them with the vocabulary to explore and later articulate their own experience. In addition to the many new opportunities to explore their new developmental milestones, we still respect and value that they are very much transitioning from infancy to toddlerhood and will help them eat, fall asleep feeling cared for, move from bottles to cups and be mindful of nap schedules and rest needs.

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